Opening our own shop on Etsy has proven to be quite the challenge for these two blondes! No matter the difficulties we have the fortitude to laugh at ourselves and push forward.
"That's not the right label, Michelle!" |
Owning and operating a specialized preschool and daycare while trying to get our products marketed is like running through an obstacle course listening to repetitive brainwashing methods that break down our thought patterns and block our creative frequencies....if we ever possessed those! Right now Marah is fixing a doll's leg that somehow has been rotated around backwards for a two year old, the baby is toddling around with a forty year old metal semi truck, and two preschoolers are rolling around in a circus tent, while the dog scurries under tables looking for crumbs. Ohhhh,.... yeah.

With four items listed, it's a start, and that's a step in the right direction. We have loads of fun in whatever we put our minds to and in the last seven or eight years we have tried a lot, and we mean a lot, of projects. But what comes to mind is a kind of perseverance and strength that we're proud of actually.
Let's see, we used to travel and sell communication equipment to the fire service, law enforcement, and military. That was the best. But the economy no longer afforded that kind of expensive equipment, so we moved on to cheaper, uhm, less expensive equipment, which was not our forte. Oh, what came next? We decided to get into the medical field, because all these baby boomers are going to need health care over the next twenty years. We took classes, studied, got jobs in hospitals, wiped a few rear ends, and quickly discovered that was also not our forte! So, we had the brilliant idea of forming a professional cleaning business. Made a flyer, wrote letters, not one lead. Marah had Ivan and wanted to spend life with him, so we kept our entrepreneurial hats on and created an amazing little preschool that we own and operate together.
No worries; I got this!!!
You have got to be kidding me!!! |
Eventually, though, we would like to sell - stuff, any stuff, and since we make many of our own homemade products, we thought we'd start there, selling our own products. And what could be better therapy than writing our own hilarious blog while pushing through the many mistakes?!
Spot on! |
Creative, huh?! |
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