Saturday, September 5, 2015

A Year

What a difference a year makes, as the old adage goes.  Our world has changed so much that it is hard to recognize those Homemade Lives faces.

A year ago we made declarations that, yes, did come to fruition, but not in the way we had hoped, planned, or dreamed.  Many times this year we have had to remember Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and courageous for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."  And have we ever gone down paths and through valleys that we didn't want to travel.

But, thinking back, the LORD has been with us wherever we have gone.  And as the Granny and the Momma I have prayed Psalm 139:8 over Christopher, Marah, and Ivan while putting them on a plane for a much needed and deserved vacation.  God bless them and I mean GOD Almighty bless and keep them, because I have learned that it is by His grace, His mercy, His loving-commitment, and His care that we live day by day.

Time to write a new chapter....we're coming out of this year and we are ready to be stronger, to give more, to serve better, to live our Homemade Lives with the joy of the LORD's salvation.  Thank You, Heavenly Father.

Coming out of this valley and into a beautiful new day, new year

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