Thursday, July 31, 2014

Homemade Fun in the Sun

It is not child labor to turn the hose on, fill a five gallon bucket with soapy water, and hand rags and sponges to small children.  It is a blast!  

They took turns "rinsing the car" and chasing each other with the hose, squeals and shrieks filling the air.  The neighbors must have gone inside and closed all of their windows!  Good.

We're not sure that our two cars actually look any better than when they were pulled into the backyard (by Ivan!), but the kids are all snoozing away after playing so hard.

Starting at the top....

Don't forget the windows!

We start them young - 15 months old

"Just rewards?!  Are you serious?!"

Life is, after all, what you make it!  

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