Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Step by Step....One Step at a Time!

We own and operate a preschool/daycare.  This year's theme is going to be focused on the solar system, the continents, oceans, a few countries, and down to the cities that each child dwells.

Marah on Jupiter

Michelle paints Neptune
We tapped into our creative, yet cheap, side and came up with the brilliant idea of painting these paper party lanterns in various sizes as the planets!  Very exciting!  Our plan is to create the solar system in the basement stairwell. Ha ha ha ha ha ha....we'll see how well this turns out and if anyone breaks a leg!

Marah is young; she'll do fine on the ladder....Michelle will stand at a reasonably safe distance and shout directions, "Little more to the left, Marah Jo-An!"

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