Thursday, October 26, 2017

Upcoming Cooking Classes!

We are so excited about our upcoming November cooking classes!  Thanksgiving is one of our favorite family holidays and we go all out on the meal preparation.  

We will offer one class in early November (the date is still not quite fixed) which will be completely focused on Thanksgiving dinner recipes.  For the last 20 years I have used Martha Stewart's Thanksgiving Day Planner.  I generally stick to the same recipes but sometimes I do mix it up.  I love to set the table the night before Thanksgiving - the tablecloth and dinner napkins are starched and ironed...yeah, I'm THAT person!  Marah and I are happy to share our favorite recipes and help you choose a menu that will be sure to impress your loved ones!  My personal challenge each year is making sure the slurry for the homemade gravy smooths out and the lumps disappear - sometimes I get there and other times we have lumpy, yet tasty, turkey gravy!  Marah has THE best pumpkin cheesecake recipe and we'll beg her to include that!

P.S.  It is time to order your fresh, free-range, gourmet turkey!  We have ordered ours from Bowman & Landes for thirty just can't settle for less once you buy the best!

Memories....last year we all played a hilarious charade-like game!  We love our family!!!  

The other class we are going to offer is a one for the kids!  Our last kids' cooking class was a ton of fun cooking the entire meal outdoors.  This class will focus on a sugar cookie that is sturdy enough for cut-outs and perfect for adding icing! 
We're still working on the details but we'll get the information posted as soon as we can!  


These three headed to Florida for Ivan's 7th birthday!

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